Doctorate & Habilitation
at the Biology department
This guide provides a chronological overview of the doctoral process - from registration as a PhD to the presentation of the doctoral certificate.
The doctoral degree regulations govern the prerequisites, procedure and requirements of the doctoral degree process. They contain important provisions on admission, deadlines and examinations and form the basis for the entire process.
The formal structure of a dissertation follows fixed standards - from the title page and table of contents to the introduction, main body, conclusion and bibliography. A clear structure and compliance with formal requirements are essential for academic quality.
Registration at the department, continuation of the doctoral procedure.
F1.1 Final check / job handover
F3.1 Application for acceptance as a doctoral candidateF3.2 Application for admission to the doctoral examination
The doctoral fee is EUR 170.00 (in accordance with the Second State Ordinance Amending the State Ordinance on Fees in the Areas of Science, Continuing Education and Research (Special Fee Schedule) of February 10, 2022). It can be transferred to:
Landeshochschulkasse Deutsche Bundesbank Filiale Mainz
IBAN: DE25 5500 0000 0055 0015 11, BIC: MARKDEF1550
(BLZ: 550 000 00, account no.: 55 001 511)
Reason for payment:
Promotionsgebühr FB Biologie VORNAME NACHNAME, Kostenstelle 8800.000
The guidelines for good scientific practice ensure the quality and integrity of scientific work through clear standards for honest and transparent research. They promote trust in research and prevent misconduct.
DFG guidelines for safeguarding good scientific practiceOmbuds Committee "Good Scientific Practice" at RPTU
The doctoral student representative represents the interests of doctoral students at RPTU vis-à-vis the university's bodies and committees and advises on matters concerning doctoral students.
Doctoral student representative of the Biology department (01.10.2024 - 30.09.2025):Saskia Zeilfelder
To the homepage of the doctoral student representatives at RPTU.
The structured doctoral program aims to provide doctoral students with a basis for writing their dissertation and to prepare them for their doctorate in a targeted manner and within an appropriate time frame.
The following program is currently available at the Department of Biology:
The habilitation regulations govern the procedure for obtaining the venia legendi at RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau. They define the prerequisites, requirements and procedure for the habilitation in order to verify the academic qualification for a professorship. The aim is to demonstrate professional competence and the ability to conduct independent, academic teaching and research.