Structure of dissertations

Formal structure of classic and cumulative dissertations

The dissertation must contain, among other things

  • Table of contents with page numbers
  • introduction
  • Materials and methods section
  • Results section
  • Discussion section
  • Summary (in German, if necessary also in English)
  • Bibliography
  • optional: documentation material in the appendix
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • Declaration with the wording from PromO § 6 para. 4c

Requirements for cumulative dissertations


  • At least three manuscripts Peer-reviewed publications
  • Publications = original work

For detailed implementation see PromO of 27.11.2018, § 8 para. 5 and 6

(In contrast, the older doctoral regulations of 04.11.1996 stipulate: at least two manuscripts in peer-reviewed publications! Please note the faculty council resolution of 04.06.2014).

Doctoral degree regulations

from 28.11.2018

The doctoral degree regulations govern the prerequisites, procedure and requirements of the doctoral degree process. They contain important provisions on admission, deadlines and examinations and form the basis for the entire process.

to the doctoral regulations from 27.11.2018

Doctorate & Habilitation

Guide, forms, templates

Guide to promotion

The path to a doctorate


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