
Research groups, professorships, service structures


The Department of Biology comprises 16 research groups and several working groups assigned to them. The department is headed by the Dean's office. It is responsible in particular for

  • the organization, coordination and administration of all central departmental matters,
  • ensuring the range of courses offered and the necessary organization of teaching operations,
  • personnel matters relating to the department's employees,
  • the issue of transponders,
  • central study and examination counseling for the Biology department and
  • implementing the resolutions of the department's committees.

dean's office

The Dean's office is the central administrative unit of the Biology department.

Dean and Vice DeanManaging DirectorStudy ManagerSecretariat

research groups

The Department of Biology is divided into 16 research groups and their working groups.

Computational Systems Biology DidacticsHuman BiologyMicrobiology Molecular Biotechnology & Systems Biology Molecular BotanyMolecular GeneticsNanophysiologyEcologyPlant Metabolism Plant Physiology Phytopathology Quantitative Cell BiologyAnimal PhysiologyCell Biology Zoology

Committees and contact persons

Here you will find information on our committees (Faculty Council, Examination Board, Committee for Studies & Teaching) as well as contact persons for specific areas (BAföG, Equal Opportunities Officer, Data Protection, etc.).

CommitteesContact persons

Former/honorary members of the department & alumni association

Here you will find information on former and honorary members (professors, honorary doctorates, doctoral students) of the department and our alumni association.

Former / honorary membersAlumni Association


[Translate to English:] Termine, Talks, Events des Fachbereichs


Projects, research groups, facilities


Phone, email, addresses