Research groups, professorships, service structures
Research groups, professorships, service structures
The Department of Biology comprises 16 research groups and several working groups assigned to them. The department is headed by the Dean's office. It is responsible in particular for
The Department of Biology is divided into 16 research groups and their working groups.
Computational Systems Biology DidacticsHuman BiologyMicrobiology Molecular Biotechnology & Systems Biology Molecular BotanyMolecular GeneticsNanophysiologyEcologyPlant Metabolism Plant Physiology Phytopathology Quantitative Cell BiologyAnimal PhysiologyCell Biology Zoology
Here you will find an overview of all professorships and junior professorships in the department.
Junior Prof. BykovProf. Frankenberg-DinkelProf. HahnProf. HerrmannProf. KinsProf. MaritzenProf. MühlhausProf. Müller-SchüsseleProf. NeuhausProf. PielageProf. ScheussProf. SchrodaProf. StoeckProf. StorchováJunior Prof. Trebes