Monday, 24.06.2024 05:15 pm - 06:45 pm PräsenzDr. Simone Mattei, EMBL Heidelberg Studying stressed cells by in situ structural biology
Monday, 17.06.2024 05:15 pm - 06:45 pm PräsenzNiko Dalheimer (PhD), MPI of Biochemistry, Department of Cellular Biochemistry Martinsried Unveiling the Dynamics of Protein Folding: Insights from Single-Molecule Tracking of Chaperone-Client Interactions in live cells
Monday, 10.06.2024 05:15 pm - 06:45 pm PräsenzDr. Sheila Roitman, MPI Tübingen, Molecular Biology The parasite of my parasite is... also my parasite: three generations of mobile genetic elements parasitizing on the Haptophyte algae Phaeocystis…
Monday, 03.06.2024 05:15 pm - 06:45 pm PräsenzDr. Franziska Fichtner, Institute of Plant Biochemistry, University of Düsseldorf The sugar signaling metabolite trehalose 6-phosphate is a key signal in regulating plant development
Monday, 27.05.2024 05:15 pm - 06:45 pm PräsenzProf. Jörg Nickelsen, Molecular Plant Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich Making and Utilizing of the Photosynthetic Apparatus