Where should I go to study biology?

The three-year Bachelor's degree course in Molecular Biology provides a broad basic education in the natural sciences and biology as well as a number of key qualifications. On the one hand, this enables students to obtain an early degree that in principle qualifies them for a career. In addition, and above all, a successfully completed Bachelor's degree creates the prerequisites for a subsequent Master's degree in the biological/bioscientific field. The extent to which Bachelor's graduates can assert themselves professionally against biologists with a more extensive (Diploma, Master's) or specialized training (such as BTA, CTA) cannot be answered in general terms.

Prospects for master's and doctoral graduates

As a graduate of one of our Master's degree programs in Biology with the specializations MPBIOTECH, MCB, NEURO and ECO, you will be able to carry out scientific work independently and apply your knowledge responsibly in different contexts - as a biologist in academic or other public institutions as well as in the private sector.

The MPBIOTECH specialization can, for example, serve as a career springboard into biotechnological or microbiological research laboratories or into the consulting teams and sales departments of pharmaceutical companies.

The NEURO and MCB specializations open doors in both basic and applied science, for example with a biological and biomedical orientation, as well as in clinical research in collaboration with natural scientists from various disciplines.

The ECO specialization qualifies graduates to work in areas such as environmental protection and consulting (keyword: eco-audit) or nature and landscape planning, as well as in the publishing sector.

And, of course, the Master's degree also entitles you to take up doctoral studies. As a doctor of natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.), you will have access to management and leadership positions in all of the professional fields mentioned above. In addition, a completed doctorate is a prerequisite for an academic running track at both universities and state research institutes.