Study guide
Once you have decided to study biology, you should obtain information on the various universities that offer biology courses.
In addition to the Internet, the Biology Study Guide is a good place to start.
This book contains information on the individual universities (research focus, names & facts, information on further sources of information, etc).
The study guide can be ordered directly from the vdbiol homepage( at the following address
Job profiles of and for biologists
The Association of German Biologists (vdbiol e.V.) has also published a second edition of a brochure on this topic.
Further information can be found at:
Related training occupations
Even if studying is not an option, there are some professions in which biology plays a major role.
Information on this and on general career prospects should be obtained from the nearest careers information center (BIZ) of the Federal Employment Agency. Brochures on the individual vocational qualifications are available there.