Dean of Studies:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hahn
Room 22/101, Tel. 0631-205-2402, hahn(at)rptu.de
Substitute: Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann, Room 13/447, Tel. 0631-205-2406, j.herrmann(at)rptu.de
Study Manager:
Dr. rer. nat. A. Schaarschuch
Room 13/343, Tel. 0631-205 5760, schaarsc(at)rptu.de
Recognition officer:
PD Dr. G. Erkel
Room 23/105.1, Tel. 0631-205 2881, erkel(at)rhrk.uni-kl.de
Communication and Information System Administration:
Dr. D. Hemme-Schwöbel
Room 13/403, Tel. 0631-205 2602, hemme(at)rptu.de
U. Eschbach
Room 13/401, Tel. 0631-205 2423 bio-dekanat(at)rptu.de
L. Hanke
Room 13/401, Tel. 0631-205 2423, bio-dekanat(at)rptu.de
Degree programme & course evaluation:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Hahn
Room 22/101, Tel. 0631-205-2402, hahn(at)rptu.de
Student Advisory Service, Coordination