Oral presentations
Oral presentations should not exceed 15 min, i.e. 12 min talk + 3 min questions. A computer and laserpointer will be provided. Accepted presentation formats are ppt, pptx and pdf.
Speakers are kindly asked to upload their presentations to our server using the link provided in an eMail not later than 6 pm on the day before the scheduled presentation. Changes will then no longer be possible.
Poster presentations
Poster size should be A0 portrait oriented (width: 84.1 cm, length: 118.0 cm). Please do not exceed these dimensions. Providing A4 takeaway versions of your poster is encouraged. A freestanding compatible poster board will be provided for your poster. You poster number will appear on the top right hand side of the board so you can locate your board easily. Please check your poster number in the programme booklet.
Posters will be on display throughout the conference. Poster sessions will take place on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Authors are requested to be available at their posters during the poster sessions. Please also prepare a 1-minute presentation (1 slide only!) to introduce your poster during the flash talk session on Wednesday. Slides have to be send to the organizing committee by Monday, March 2nd, 2020.