1987 Examination in Biology, University of Münster
1990 Dr. rer. nat (Ph.D.) University of Bayreuth
1990-1998 Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Osnabrück
1995 Habilitation (Plant Physiology), University of Osnabrück
1998 Assistant-Professor of Plant Physiology
1999 Call as Professor for Plant Physiology, University of Kaiserslautern
Calls to Chairs
1998 Call to the Humboldt University Berlin, declined
2004 Call to the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf, declined
2008 Call to the Ruhr-University Bochum, declined
Awards and Scientific Community Services
2003 - 2012 Spokesperson Speaker of the DFG (German Research Foundation) Research Training Group 845
2008 - 2014 Spokesperson of the DFG Research Unit 1061
2008 - 2012 Member of the DFG panel Plant Biology
2009 Awarded with a Reinhart Koselleck-Grant by the DFG
2010 - today Member of the Advisory Board of the University of Kaiserslautern
2012 - 2021 Spokesperson of the IRTG 1830
2012 - 2019 Member of the DFG Senate
2016 - Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
2017 - Corresponding Member Award of the American Society of Plant Biologists, ASPB
Major Research Interest:
Our group works on transport proteins in plants and bacteria. Special aspects are currently ATP transporters in plant plasma- and endomembranes, and vacuolar located sugar- and dicarbonic-acid transporters. We wish to understand transporter functions on the biochemical level (e.g. mode of transport, substrate specificity) and also on the physiological level (implications of transporters for plant primary metabolism, development and adaptations).
Some relevant scientific papers in the last 10 years
Martins Rodrigues C*, Müdsam C*, Keller I, Zierer W, Czarnecki O, Corral JM, Reinhardt F, Nieberl P, Fiedler-Wiechers K, Sommer FK, Schroda M, Mühlhaus T, Harms T, Flügge UI, Sonnewald U, Koch W, Ludewig F, Neuhaus HE, Pommerrenig B (2020) Vernalization alters sink and source identities and reverses phloem translocation from taproots to shoots in sugar beet Beta vulgaris). Plant Cell 32, 3206–3223 doi: 10.1105/tpc.20.00072
(*These authors contributed equally to this work)
Fernie AR, Bachem CWB, Helariutta Y, Neuhaus HE, Prat S, Ruan Y-L, Stitt M, Sweetlove LJ, Tegeder M, Wahl V, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U (2020) Synchronisation of developmental, molecular and metabolic aspects of source-sink interactions. Nat. Plants 6, 55-66 doi: 10.1038/s41477-020-0590-x
Patzke K*, Prananingrum P*, Klemens PAW, Trentmann O, Martins Rodrigues C, Keller I, Fernie AR, Geigenberger P, Bölter B, Lehmann M, Schmitz-Esser C, Pommerrenig B, Haferkamp I, Neuhaus HE (2019) The plastidic sugar transporter pSuT influences flowering and affects cold responses. Plant Physiol. 179, 569-587 doi: 10.1104/pp.18.01036
*These authors contributed equally to the article
Klein M-C, Zimmermann K, Schorr S, Landini M, Klemens PAW, Altensell J, Jung M, Krause E, Nguyen D, Helms V, Rettig J, Fecher-Trost C, Cavalié A, Hoth M, Bogeski I, Neuhaus HE, Zimmermann R, Lang S, Haferkamp I (2018) AXER is an ATP/ADP exchanger in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Nature Comm. volume 9, Article number: 3489 doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06003-9
Frei B, Eisenach C, Martinoia E, Hussein S, Chen X-Z, Arrivault S, Neuhaus HE (2018) Purification and functional characterization of the vacuolar malate transporter tDT from Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 293, 4180-4190 doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA117.000851
Jung B, Ludewig F, Schulz A, Meißner G, Wöstefeld N, Flügge U-I, Pommerrenig B, Wirsching P, Sauer N, Koch W, Sommer F, Mühlhaus T, Schroda M, Cuin, TA, Graus D, Marten I, Hedrich R, Neuhaus HE (2015) Identification of the transporter responsible for sucrose accumulation in sugar beet taproots. Nature Plants 1, Article number: 14001 (2015) doi:10.1038/nplants.2014.1
Müller M, Kunz HH, Schroeder JI, Kemp G, Young HS, Neuhaus HE (2014) Decreased capacity of sodium export out of Arabidopsis chloroplasts impairs salt tolerance, photosynthesis and plant performance. Plant J. 78, 646–658 doi: 10.1111/tpj.12501
Hoffmann C, Plocharski B, Haferkamp I, Leroch M, Ewald R, Bauwe H, Riemer J, Herrmann J, Neuhaus HE (2013) From Endoplasmic Reticulum to mitochondria: Absence of the Arabidopsis ATP antiporter ER-ANT1 perturbs photorespiration. Plant Cell 25, 2647-2660 doi: 10.1105/tpc.113.113605
Rieder B, Neuhaus HE (2011) Identification of an Arabidopsis plasma membrane located ATP transporter important for anther development. Plant Cell 23, 1932-1944 doi: 10.1105/tpc.111.084574
Wingenter K, Schulz A, Wormit A, Wic S, Trentmann O, Hoermiller I, Heyer AG, Marten I, Hedrich R, Neuhaus HE (2010) Increased activity of the vacuolar monosaccharide transporter TMT1 alters cellular sugar partitioning, sugar signalling and seed yield in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 154, 665-677 doi: 10.1104/pp.110.162040