Haupt und Nachklausuren

Grundmodul 9: Pflanzenphysiologie/Phytopathologie BIO - 5536,5503


16.02.2024 08:30h - 11:00h 42-115

16.02.2024 08:30h - 11:00h 46-210

Klausurbeginn 09.00 Uhr, Bachelor Biowissenschaften 90 Minuten Dauer; Bachelor of Education 65 Minuten; Bachelor Biophysik 45 Minuten - Aufteilung auf die Räume: Bachelor Biowissenschaften: Nachname A-R + Ba-Lehramt und Biophysik: Gebäude 42, Raum 115; Bachelor Biowissenschaften: Nachname S-Z: Bau 46, Raum 210



12.04.2024 08:30h - 11:00h 46-110

Klausurbeginn 09.00 Uhr, Bachelor Biowissenschaften 90 Minuten Dauer; Bachelor of Education 65 Minuten; Bachelor Biophysik 45 Minuten



Pathogenic Plant Fungus Interaction / Genetics, Genomics and Epigenetics / Neural Development / Ecology of Species Interactions / Lecture & Reading Course - Bioinformatics 

Fr, 10.11.2023, 15:30 - 18:30, 24-102


BIO - 70005,70011,70015,70021,70036 Theoriemodul 1-4

Mass Spectrometry and Deep sequencing Based Strategies in Systems Biology / Molecular Microbiology / Molecular Cell Biology / Neural Function / Molecular Ecology

Fr, 01.12.2023, 8:00 - 11:00, Mensa 1-4


BIO - 70002/2,70004/2,70005/2,70010/2,70011/2

Mass Spectrometry and Deep sequencing Based Strategy in Systems Biology / Molecular Microbiology / Pathogenic Plant-Fungus Interaction / Molecular Cell Biology / Genetics, Genomics and Epigenetics

Fr, 12.01.2024, 8:00 - 11:00, Mensa 1-4