Zellbiologie 1 (Lecture)

BIO-ZBI-07-V-2 (Wintersemester)

Mittwoch, 10:00 - 11:30 in 46-210
Beginn: 23.10.2024, Ende 05.02.2025

Diese Veranstaltung findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt.

Erstklausur: tba

Nachklausur: tba

Zur Vorlesung gibt es einenOpenOLAT-Kurs mit dem Namen: tba
Das Passwort zum Kurs wird in der ersten Vorlesungsstunde den Teilnehmern mitgeteilt.

Im OpenOlat-Kurs finden Sie die aktuellen Aufzeichnungen der Vorlesung, falls Sie eine Vorlesung verpasst haben sollten, sowie pdf-Dateien der Folien.

Zellbiologie 2 (Lecture)

BIO-ZBI-09-V-2 (Wintersemester)

Dozenten: Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann

Montag, 15:30  bis 17:00 Uhr in 46-110
Beginn: 21.10.2024, Ende 02.12.2024 (7 Termine)

Erstklausur:  tba

Nachklausur: tba

Die Vorlesung findet als Präsenzveranstaltung statt.

Zu der Vorlesung gibt es einen OpenOlat-Kurs mit den Aufzeichnungen der Vorlesungen: tba

Das Passwort zum OpenOlat-Kurs wird in der Vorlesung mitgeteilt.

Warmup Meeting (Seminar)

BIO-ZBI-11-S-7 (Winter Term)

For all students starting in 2024 (summer or winter),
there will be one joint Warm-up meeting on Thursday, October 17th, 2024 in 13-347.

Master MCB

Reading Course - Molecular Cell Biology

BIO-ZBI-17-W-7 (Winter Term)

Block course, full time. In this course, we will read the textbook Pollard-Earnshaw, Cell Biology. We will make a reservation in the library for you.

Date: Monday, October 21st, 2024 - Friday October 31st, 2024 in 13-347.

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann

Main exam:

Retake exam:

Master MCB


Reading Course - Cellular Biochemistry

BIO-ZBI-02-W-7 (Summer Term)

Master MCB

Block course, full time

Part Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann "Molecular Biology of Viruses:
May 13th, - May 17th, 2024 at 10.00 am in 13-347

Dr. Markus Räschle: "Cell Signaling and DNA repair":
May 21st - May 24th, 2024 in 13-347

Main exam: 31.05.2024 - Mensa 1-4 starting 8.30 am

Retake exam: 28.06.2024 - Mensa 1-4 starting 8.30 am

Molecular Basis of Human Diseases (Seminar)

Diverse current topics of the interface of molecular biology and medicine

BIO-ZBI-01-S-4 (Winter Term)

Date: Thursdays from 5.15 - 6.45 pm. Starting Thursday, October 24th, 2024. Via Zoom

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Johannes Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Tanja Maritzen, Dr. Yury Bykov

All talks and discussions in English
In this basic course, a variety of diseases will be introduced and details of the pathology and therapy of patients will be discussed. A basic knowledge of molecular cell biology is required.
For Biosciences, Biophysics or Chemistry students. Bachelor (semester 5 or 6) or Master.

Biology of Aging (Molecular Cell Biology Seminar)

This semester we will discuss about the Biology of Aging using chapters from a textbook.

BIO-ZBI-04-S-4 (Summer Term)

Starting: Thursday, April 25th, 2024 at 5 pm in 13-443

For registration, please contact Simone Adkins (adkins@rptu.de) via Email. She will add your name, Matrikelnummer (immatriculation number) and Studiengang (study program) to a sign-up list.

Also Education (Lehramt) students are welcome. Basic knowledge of molecular cell biology is required. The seminar is in English and will be held via Zoom (online).


Molecular Cell Biology (Literaturseminar)


Throughout the whole year. Friday, 9 am. Room 13-443

In English. Alternating Journal Club, Roundup Seminar, Discussion Forum.

For all members of the Cell Biology lab and practical students of the Cell Biology lab.

Lecture Course: Modern Methods in Biology, Part 1

BIO-ZBI-13-V-5 (Wintersemester)

TM-2 Anleitung zum eigenständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten - Zellbiologie (Seminar)

BIO-ZBI-17-S-4 Wintersemester

BIO-ZBI-17-S-4 Sommersemester

ganzjährig nach Vereinbarung.

B.Sc. Biologie