GM5 - Praktikum Zellbiologie


25.02.2019 bis 01.03.2019 in den Räumen 13-305, 13-322, 13-341, 13-345 und 13-347.

s. hierzu auch KIS

18.02. - 21.02.2019 in 13/447 in der Zeit von 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr.

Die Gruppeneinteilungen finden Sie hier:

Einteilung Vormittagsgruppen

Einteilung Nachmittagsgruppen

AP - Cell Biology 1

January 14th - February 1st, 2019. 8:30 am to 6 pm, building 13/4th floor, Cell Biology. In English.

For students of Biosciences or Biophysics. Bachelor and Bachelor of Education (semester 5 or 6) or Master.

Basic knowledge of Cell Biology is required.

Preliminary meeting and handout of Seminar: Tuesday, November 13th, 2018 at 4 pm in 13-443

Please note: It is recommended that students who wish to take part in our VP - Cell Biology in the summer semester take part in this practical course first.


We will introduce students to basic techniques of yeast genetics, protein biochemistry and cell biology.We simulate a small scientific project and work in small teams of 3-4 students to solve a simple biological question. The students will present their results on posters to the rest of the group. There will be seminars every morning to discuss the results and to design the experiments for the day, and a literature seminar in which the students report about published articles related to the topic of the course.


Seminar Topics 2019

Topic A1

Topic A2

Topic A3

Topic B1

Topic B2

Topic B3

Topic C1

Topic C2

Topic C3

Topic D1

Topic D2

Topic E1

Topic E2

VP - Cell Biology 2

Next Practical Course: In summer term 2019.

For up to 12 students of Biosciences or Biophysics. Master only. Basic knowledge of Cell Biology is required.


We will work in small teams on one common small scientific project using methods
of genetics, biochemistry, cell biology and bioinformatics. Students are directly
involved in designing the experiments that they will perform. The results of
all teams will be discussed in the group and used to write a short scientific

Among the methods used in the course are:

Isolation of cellular organelles. In vitro transcription. Protein synthesis in
reticulocyte lyste. Radioactive labeling of proteins. Translation in isolated
mitochondria. Protein import into mitochondria. Kinetic measurements of enzyme
activities. SDS Page. Western blotting.


In the last week of the course we will write a small scientific publication using
the results of the course. Here you can find the cool papers of previous courses:

Braun et al

Delbrügge et al

Forschungspraktikum/Research Practical - Cell Biology 3

This is a lab course over 6 weeks. Students will work together on the bench with PhD students
or post docs. Admission is all around the year. Prerequsite: courses AP1 and VP2.

Zellbiologisches Praktikum für Biophysiker

Eingangsvoraussetzung: Grundvorlesung Zellbiologie, bestandene Klausur

Terminim Rahmen des Grundpraktikums Zellbiologie im WS 2018/2019

Anmeldung bis 31.01.2019 im Sekretariat der AG Zellbiologie 13/447