Professor of Molecular Genetics

Prof. Dr. Zuzana Storchova
Molecular Genetics
TU Kaiserslautern
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 24, Room 103
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631-205-3250
Fax: +49 (0)631-205-4090
Web: Molecular Genetics
Email: zuzana.storchova[at]
Profile: Google Scholar
Consultation hours: Wednesday, 11:00-12:00
Curriculum Vitae:
since 2016: Professor of Molecular Genetics, Department of Biology, University Kaiserslautern, Germany.
2008-2016: Group Leader, Max-Plack Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany.
2001-2007: Postdoc, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
1999-2001: Postdoc, Institute of Medical Radiobiology, University of Zurich, Switzerland.
1995-1999: Ph.D. Studies, Dept. of Genetics and Microbiology, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Major Research Interests:
The research of our group focuses on understanding how changes in chromosome numbers and structure affect cellular functions. The genome integrity is essential for healthy survival and altered chromosome structure and numbers are associated with pathologies, such as developmental defects or cancer. We create human cell lines with aberrant chromosomes and use a broad range of biochemistry, cell biology and -omics methods to determine the effects of these changes on cellular physiology and the links to disease. Moreover, using quantitative proteomics and phosphoproteomics, we determine the execution and regulation of processes required for DNA replication, repair and chromosome segregation. research pages
Selected Publications:
- Yahya G, Menges P, Amponsah PS, Ngandiri DA, Schulz D, Wallek A, Kulak N, Mann M, Cramer P, Savage V, Räschle M, Storchova Z (2022) Sublinear scaling of the cellular proteome with ploidy Nat Commun 2022 Oct 19;13(1):6182.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33904-7
- Gemble S, Wardenaar R, Keuper K, Srivastava N, Nano M, Mace AS, Tijhuis AE, Bernhard SV, Spierings DCJ, Simon A, Goundiam O, Hochegger H, Piel M, Foijer F, Storchova Z, Basto R (2022) Genetic instability from a single S phase after whole-genome duplication. Nature 2022 Apr;604(7904):146-151.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04578-4.
- Chunduri NK, Menges P, Zhang X, Wieland A, Gotsmann VL, Mardin BR, Buccitelli C, Korbel JO, Willmund F, Kschischo M, Raeschle M, Storchová Z (2021) Systems approaches identify the consequences of monosomy in somatic human cells. Nature Communications 12:5576
doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25288-x
- Cohen-Sharir Y, McFarland JM, Abdusamad M, Marquis C, Bernhard SV, Kazachkova M, Tang H, Ippolito MR, Laue K, Zerbib J, Malaby HLH, Jones A, Stautmeister L-M, Bockaj I, Wardenaar R, Lyons N, Nagaraja A, Bass AJ, Spierings DCJ, Foijer F, Beroukhim R, Santaguida S, Golub TR, Stumpff J, Storchová Z, Ben-David U (2021) Aneuploidy renders cancer cells vulnerable to mitotic checkpoint inhibition. Nature 590, pages 486–491
doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-03114-6
- Amponsah PS, Yahya G, Zimmermann J, Mai M, Mergel S, Molin M, Mühlhaus T, Storchová Z, Morgan B (2021) Peroxiredoxins couple metabolism and cell division in an ultradian cycle. Nature Chemical Biology
doi: 10.1038/s41589-020-00728-9
- Vasudevan A, Baruah PS, Smith JC, Wang Z, Sayles NM, Andrews P, Kendall J, Leu J, Chunduri NK, Levy D, Wigler M, Storchová Z, Sheltzer JM (2020) Single-Chromosomal Gains Can Function as Metastasis Suppressors and Promoters in Colon Cancer, Developmental Cell 52 (2), 413-428
doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2020.01.034
- Kneissig M, Keuper K, de Pagter MS, van Roosmalen MJ, Martin J, Otto H, Passerini V, Campos Sparr A, Renkens I, Kropveld F, Vasudevan A, Sheltzer JM, Klosterman WP, Storchová Z (2019) Micronuclei-based model system reveals functional consequences of chromothripsis in human cells. Elife (2019) 8. pii: e50292
doi: 10.7554/eLife.50292
- Viganó C, von Schubert C, Ahrné E, Schmidt A, Lorber T, Bubendorf L, De Vetter JRF, Zaman GJR, Storchová Z, Nigg EA. (2018) Quantitative proteomic and phospho-proteomic comparison of human colon cancer DLD-1 cells differing in ploidy and chromosome stability. Mol Biol Cell. 29:1031-1047.
doi: 10.1091/mbc.E17-10-0577
- Sheltzer JM, Ko J, Habibe Burgos NC, Chung E, Meehl CM, Passerini V, Storchová Z, Amon (2017) Single-chromosome aneuploidy commonly functions as a tumor suppressor, Cancer Cell, 31:240-255.
doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2016.12.004
- Passerini V, Ozeri-Galai E, de Pagter MS, Donnelly N, Schmalbrock S, Kloosterman WP, Kerem B, Storchová Z (2016) The presence of extra chromosomes leads to genomic instability, Nat Commun. 7:10754. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10754.
doi: 10.1038/ncomms10754
- Kuznetsova AY, Seget K, Moeller GK, de Pagter MS, de Roos JADM, Dürrbaum M, Kuffer C, Müller S, Zaman GJR, Kloosterman WP, Storchová Z (2015) Whole genome doubling promotes chromosomal instability, tolerance of mitotic errors and multidrug resistance, Cell Cycle 14: 2810-20.
doi: 10.1080/15384101.2015.1068482
- Räschle M, Hansen RK, Smeenk G, Temu T, Hein MY, Nagaraj N, Oka Y, Long DT, Schmalbrock S, Walter JC, Storchová Z, Hofmann K, Bekker-Jensen S, Mailand N, Mann M (2015) Time-resolved proteomics of ICL repair reveals a SMC5/6 recruitment pathway, Science 348:1253671.
- Stingele S, Stoehr G, Peplowska K, Cox J, Mann M, Storchová Z (2012) Global analysis of genome, transcriptome and proteome reveals cellular response to aneuploidy, Molecular Systems Biology 8: 608.
doi: 10.1038/msb.2012.40
Review Articles:
Chunduri NK, Storchová Z. (2019) The diverse consequences of aneuploidy. Nat Cell Biol. 21:54-62.