Proteostasis and Genomic Stability

Dr. Prince Saforo Amponsah
Molecular Genetics
TU Kaiserslautern
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 24, Room 101
67665 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631-205-4385
Fax: +49 (0)631-205-4090
Web: Molecular Genetics
Email: amponsah[at]
Profile: Google Scholar
Curriculum Vitae:
since Nov. 2022: Project Leader in the Group of Professor Storchová at the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Jul. 2020 - Oct. 2022: Postdoctoral Researcher with Professor Storchová at the Department of Molecular Genetics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Feb. 2020 - Jun. 2020: Postdoctoral Researcher with Professor Bruce Morgan at the Institute of Biochemistry, Center for Human and Molecular Biology (ZHMB), University of Saarland, Germany.
2016 - 2020: Ph.D. Studies in the Laboratory of Jun.-Prof. Bruce Morgan at the Department of Cellular Biochemistry, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
2013 - 2015: M.Sc. in Molecular Biosciences (Major Cancer Biology) at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg and University of Heidelberg, Germany.
Major Research Interests:
Our group uses quantitative mass spectrometry and modern biochemical methods to elucidate protein degradation flow in cells that exhibit proteotoxic stress. Our major focus is protein homeostasis regulation through autophagy and proteasomal degradation pathways. Using polysomic cells derived from the HCT116 cancer cell line, we aim to elucidate the mechanistic details of how protein imbalance modulates cellular homeostasis and physiology. research pages
Selected Publications:
Sublinear scaling of the cellular proteome with ploidy.
Yahya G, Menges P, Amponsah PS, Ngandiri DA, Schulz D, Wallek A, Kulak N, Mann M, Cramer P, Savage V, Räschle M, and Storchova Z. Nat Commun (2022):
13, 6182. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-33904-7.
Peroxiredoxins couple metabolism and cell division in an ultradian cycle.
Amponsah PS, Yahya G, Zimmermann J, Mai M, Mergel S, Mühlhaus T, Storchova Z, and Morgan B. Nat Chem Biol (2021):17, 477–484.