GM 16 - Grundpraktikum Molekulare Biotechnologie


BIO-BTE-02B-L-2 und BIO-BTE-02A-L-2  

Zeiten: Sechs Termine jeden Freitag ab 6.6.2025 (ein freier Tag pro Gruppe) von 08.30 - 12:30 (Gruppe A) und 13.30-17.30 (Gruppe B) in Raum 23-185.

Sicherheitsbelehrung und Einleitungen zu den Kursversuchen sind als Powerpoint-Folien mit Sprachaufzeichnung verfügbar und MÜSSEN VOR Praktikumsbeginn durchgearbeitet werden: Link (Zugang nur mit RHRK account).

AM 1/2  Practical course Molecular Biotechnology I

(Winter term)


Date: Second block in the semester
First meeting the Monday one week before the AM starts at 13.00 in seminar room 23-182

VM 1/ VM 2: Practical course Molecular Biotechnology II

(Winter term)


Date: 20.2.25 - 24.3.25
First meeting on Feb 13 at 13.00 in 23-182

Room 23-185

Research practical course Molecular Biotechnology III

(Winter & summer term)


This practical course is required for those who want to do their Master's thesis in our department. Appointments must be made directly with:

Prof. Dr. Michael Schroda

Special practical course

(Winter & summer term)


This practical course is for Master students and can be used as a substitution for a regular practical course in the Master curriculum, specifically for students who have successfully passed our regular courses Molecular Biotechnology I and/or Molecular Biotechnology II and wish to carry out their Master thesis in our department. You will work with a PhD student on a topic she/he is currently working on. It is available only upon request if we have space. Appointments must be made directly with:

Prof. Dr. Michael Schroda