Professor of Human Biology/ Neurobiology


Human Biology
TU Kaiserslautern
Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße/Geb. 13, Room 113.1
67663 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49(0)631 205 2106
Fax: +49(0)631 205 3517

Email: kins[at]

Brief Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Stefan Kins

Academic positions and appointments:


Since 2008:   Univ.-Professor (W2) for Human Biology and Human Genetics at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern

2007-2008:   Independent group leader at the ZMBH, University of Heidelberg

2003-2007:   Project leader at the ZMBH, University of Heidelberg

2001-2003:   Assistant in the research group of Prof. Dr. K. Beyreuther at the Centre for molecular biology (ZMBH), University of Heidelberg

1999-2001:   Postdoc, Department for Psychiatric Research, University of Zürich

1999:   Dr. phil.nat. (PhD) in Biochemistry (grade: summa cum laude) at the University of Frankfurt; Max Planck Institute for brain research

1996:   Diploma (M.Sc.) in Biology, University of Frankfurt


Since 2020:   Vice-Dean of the Department for Biology at the TU Kaiserslautern

Since 2019:   Co-speaker NeurodegX

Since 2018:   Co-speaker GBM Study Group


Selected Publications:

Schilling S, Mehr A, Ludewig S, Stephan J, Zimmermann M, August A, Strecker P, Korte M, Koo EH, Müller UC, Kins S*, Eggert S* (2017) APLP1 Is a Synaptic Cell Adhesion Molecule, Supporting Maintenance of Dendritic Spines and Basal Synaptic Transmission. J Neurosci 37: 5345-5365. *contributed equally

Strecker P, Ludewig S, Rust M, Mundinger TA, Görlich A, Krächan EG, Mehrfeld C, Herz J, Korte M, Guénette SY and Kins S (2016) FE65 and FE65L1 share common synaptic functions and genetically interact with the APP Family in neuromuscular junction formation. Sci Reports 6: 25652.

Baumkötter F, Schmidt N, Vargas C, Schilling S, Weber R, Wagner K, Fiedler S, Klug W, Radzimanowski J, Nickolaus S, Keller S, Eggert S, Wild K and  Kins S (2014) Amyloid Precursor Protein dimerization and synaptogenic function depend on copper binding to the growth factor like domain. J Neurosci 34: 11159-72.

Szodorai A, Kuan YH, Hunzelmann S, Engel U, Sakane A, Sasaki T, Takai Y, Kirsch J, Müller U, Beyreuther K, Brady S, Morfini G,  Kins S (2009) APP anterograde transport requires Rab3A GTPase activity for assembly of the transport vesicle. J Neurosci 29: 14534-14544.

Soba P, Eggert S, Zentgraf H, Kreger S, Löwer A, Merdes G, Paro R, Masters CL, Müller U,  Kins S*, Beyreuther K* (2005) Cell interactions are promoted by trans-dimerization of APP family members, arranged as homo- or hetero-complexes in synaptic membranes. EMBO J 24: 3624-36. *contributed equally