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Publications Plant Physiology
Chaves I, Araujo E, Florian A, Medeiros D, Pereira P, Charton L, Heyneke E, Apfata J, Pires M, Mettler-Altmann T, Araújo W; Neuhaus HE, Palmieri F, Obata T, Weber A, Linka N, Fernie A, Nunes-Nesi A (2019) Mitochondrial NAD+ transporter (NDT1) plays important roles in cellular NAD+ homeostasis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J., in press
Klein M-C, Zimmermann K, Schorr S, Landini M, Klemens PAW, Altensell J, Jung M, Krause E, Nguyen D, Helms V, Rettig J, Fecher-Trost C, Cavalié A, Hoth M, Bogeski I, Neuhaus HE, Zimmermann R, Lang S, Haferkamp I (2018) AXER is an ATP/ADP exchanger in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. Nature Communications volume 9, Article number: 3489
Shammai A, Petreikov M, Yeselson Y, Faigenboim A, Moy-Komemi M, Cohen S, Cohen D, Besaulov E, Efrati A, Houminer N, Bar M, Ast T, Schuldiner M, Klemens PAW, Neuhaus HE, Baxter C, Rickett D, Bonnett J, White R, Giovannoni J, Levin I, Schaffer AA (2018) Natural genetic variation for expression of a SWEET transporter among wild species of tomato determines the hexose composition of ripening tomato fruit. Plant J., in press; doi 10.1111/tpj.14035
Daumann M, Hickl D, Zimmer D, De Tar RA, Kunz H-H, Möhlmann T (2018) Characterization of filament-forming CTP synthases from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant J., epub ahead of print; doi 10.1111/tpj.14032
Huang W, Haferkamp I, Lepetit B, Molchanova M, Huo S, Jeblick W, Río Bártulos C, Kroth PG (2018) Reduced vacuolar ß-1,3-glucan synthesis affects carbohydrate metabolism, plastid homeostasis and structure in Phaeodactylum tricornutum. PNAS, published ahead of print April 18, 2018; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1719274115
Graus D, Konrad KR, Bemm F, Nebioglu MGP, Lorey C, Duscha K, Güthoff T, Herrmann J, Ferjani A, Cuin TA, Roelfsema MRG, Schumacher K, Neuhaus HE, Marten I, Hedrich R (2018) High V-PPase activity is beneficial under high salt loads, but detrimental without salinity. New Phytol. 219, 1421-1432
Pommerrenig B, Ludewig F, Cvetkovic J, Trentmann O, Klemens PAW, Neuhaus HE (2018) In concert: orchestrated changes in carbohydrate homeostasis are critical for plant abiotic stress tolerance. Plant Cell Physiol. 59, 1290-1299Frei B, Eisenach C, Martinoia E, Hussein S, Chen X-Z, Arrivault S, Neuhaus HE (2018) Purification and functional characterization of the vacuolar malate transporter tDT from Arabidopsis. J. Biol. Chem. 293, 4180-4190
Haferkamp (2018) Crossing the border - Solute entry into the chlamydial inclusion. Int. J. of Med. Microbiol. 308, 41-482017Ferreira SJ, Senning M, Fischer-Stettler M, Streb S, Ast M, Neuhaus HE, Zeeman SC, Sonnewald S, Sonnewald U (2017) Simultaneous silencing of isoamylases ISA1, ISA2 and ISA3 by multi-target RNAi in potato tubers leads to decreased starch content and an early sprouting phenotype. PLoS ONE 12(7): e0181444.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181444
Nieberl P, Ehrl C, Pommerrenig B, Graus D, Marten I, Jung B, Ludewig F, Koch W, Harms K, Flügge U-I, Neuhaus HE, Hedrich R, Sauer N (2017) Functional characterisation and cell specificity of BvSUT1, the transporter that loads sucrose into the phloem of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) source leaves. Plant Biol. 19, 315-326
Fahy D, Sanad MNME, Duscha K, Lyons M, Liu F, Bozhkov P, Kunz H-H, Hu J, Neuhaus NE, Steel PG, Smertenko A (2017) Impact of salt stress, cell death, and autophagy on peroxisomes: quantitative and morphological analyses using small fluorescent probe N-BODIPY. Scientific Rep. | 7:39069 | DOI: 10.1038/srep39069
Chu L, Gruber A, Ast M, Schmitz-Esser S, Altensell J, Neuhaus HE, Kroth PG, Haferkamp I (2017) Shuttling of (deoxy-) purine nucleotides between compartments of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. New Phytol. 113, 193-205
Daumann M, Golfier P, Knüppel N, Hahn M, Möhlmann T (2016) Botrytis cinerea can import and utilize nucleosides in salvage and catabolism and BcENT functions as high affinity nucleoside transporter. Fungal Biology 120, 904-916Hassler S, Jung B, Lemke L, Novák O, Strnad M, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE (2016) Function of the Golgi-located phosphate transporter PHT4;6 is critical for senescence-associated processes in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 67, 4671-4684
Pertl-Obermeyer H, Duscha K, Trentmann O, Neuhaus HE, Schulze WX (2016) Quantitation of vacuolar sugar transporter abundance changes using QconCAT synthtetic peptides. Front. Plant Sci. 7:411. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00411
Daumann M, Fischer M, Niopek-Witz S, Girke C, Möhlmann T (2015) Apoplastic nucleoside accumulation in Arabidopsis leads to reduced photosynthetic performance and increased susceptibility against Botrytis cinerea. Front. Plant Sci. 6:1158. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01158
Lorenz A, Lorenz M, Vothknecht U, Niopek-Witz S, Neuhaus HE, Haferkamp I (2015) In vitro analyses of mitochondrial ATP/phosphate carriers from Arabidopsis thaliana revealed unexpected Ca2+-effects. BMC Plant Biol. 2015; 15: 238. doi: 10.1186/s12870-015-0616-0.
Le Hir R, Spinner L, Klemens PAW, Chakraborti D, De Marco F, Vilaine F, Wolff N, Lemoine R, Porcheron B, Géry C, Téoulé E, Chabout S, Mouille G, Neuhaus HE, Dinant S, Bellini C (2015) Disruption of the sugar transporters AtSWEET11 and AtSWEET12 affects vascular development and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant 8, 1687–1690
Girke C, Arutyunova E, Syed M, Traub M, Möhlmann T, Lemieux MJ (2015) High yield expression and purification of equilibrative nucleoside transporter 7 (ENT7) from Arabidopsis thaliana. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1850, 1921-1929
Hedrich R, Sauer N, Neuhaus HE (2015) Sugar transport across the plant vacuolar membrane: nature and regulation of carrier proteins. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 25, 63-70
Jung B, Ludewig F, Schulz A, Meißner G, Wöstefeld N, Flügge U-I, Pommerrenig B, Wirsching P, Sauer N, Koch W, Sommer F, Mühlhaus T, Schroda M, Cuin, TA, Graus D, Marten I, Hedrich R, Neuhaus HE (2015) Identification of the transporter responsible for sucrose accumulation in sugar beet taproots. Nature Plants 1, Article number: 14001 (2015) doi:10.1038/nplants.2014.1
Highlighted by Faculty 1000
Trentmann O, Neuhaus HE (2014) Regulation of transport processes across the tonoplast membrane. Plant Traffic and Transport. Review, Front. Plant Sci., 10 September 2014 | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00460
Girke C, Daumann D, Niopek-Witz S, Möhlmann T (2014) Nucleobase and nucleoside transport and integration into plant metabolism. Review, Front. Plant Sci., DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00443Niopek-Witz S, Deppe J, Lemieux MJ, Möhlmann T (2014) Biochemical characterization and structure-function relationship of two plant NCS2 proteins, the nucleobase transporters NAT3 and NAT12 from Arabidopsis thaliana. BBA – Biomembranes 1838, 3025-3035
Ewald RA, Hoffmann C, Florian A, Neuhaus HE, Fernie AR, Bauwe H (2014) Lipoate-Protein Ligase and octanoyltransferase 14 are essential for protein lipoylation 15 in mitochondria of Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 165, 978-990
Cohen S, Itkin M, Yeselson Y, Tsuri G, Portnoy V, Harel-Beja R, Lev S, Sa'ar U, Davidovitz-Rekanati R, Baranes N, Bar E, Wolf D, Petreikov M, Shen S, Ben-Dor S, Rogachev I, Aharoni A, Ast T, Schuldiner M, Belausov E, Eshed R, Ophir R, Sherman A, Frei B, Neuhaus HE, Xu Y, Fei Z, Giovannoni J, Lewinsohn E, Tadmor Y, Paris H, Katzir N, Burger Y, Schaffer A (2014) The PH gene determines fruit acidity and contributed to the evolution of sweet melons. Nature Comm. 5, Article number: 4026, doi:10.1038/ncomms5026
Müller M, Kunz HH, Schroeder JI, Kemp G, Young HS, Neuhaus HE (2014) Decreased capacity of sodium export out of Arabidopsis chloroplasts impairs salt tolerance, photosynthesis and plant performance. Plant J. 78, 646–658
Witz S, Panwar P, Schober M, Deppe J, Pasha FA, Lemieux MJ, Möhlmann T (2014) Structure-function relationship of a plant NCS1 member - homology modeling and mutagenesis identified residues critical for substrate specificity of PLUTO a nucleobase transporter from Arabidopsis. PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091343
Colesie C, Allan Green GT, Haferkamp I, Büdel, B (2014) Habitat stress initiates changes in composition, CO2 gas exchange and C-allocation as life traits in biological soil crusts. ISME J. 8, 2104-2115
Klemens PAW, Patzke K, Trentmann O, Poschet G, Büttner M, Schulz A, Marten I, Hedrich R, Neuhaus HE (2014) Overexpression of a proton-coupled vacuolar glucose exporter impairs freezing tolerance and seed germination. New Phytol. 202, 188-197
Ewald R, Hoffmann C, Neuhaus HE, Bauwe H (2014) Two redundant octanoyltransferases and one obligatory lipoyl synthase provide protein-lipoylation autonomy to plastids of Arabidopsis. Plant Biol. 16, 35–42
Selinski J, Koenig N, Wellmeyer B, Hanke GT, Linke V, Neuhaus HE, Scheibe R (2014) The plastid-localized NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase is crucial for energy homeostasis in developing Arabidopsis thaliana seeds. Molecular Plant. 7, 170–186
Supplemental Material
Möhlmann T, Steinebrunner I, Neuhaus HE (2014) Nucleotides and nucleosides: transport, metabolism and signaling function of extracellular ATP. Progress in Botany In: Progress in Botany 75, Lüttge U, Beyschlag W, Cushman J (eds) Springer, pp. 119-144 2013
Klemens PAW, Patzke K, Deitmer J, Spinner L, Le Hir R, Bellini C, Bedu M, Chardon F, Krapp A, Neuhaus HE (2013) Overexpression of the vacuolar sugar carrier AtSWEET16 modifies germination, growth and stress tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 163, 1338-1352
Diez-de-Medina Roldán S, Silva H, Jeblick W, Nowik I, Modigell M, Neuhaus HE, Conrath U (2013) Profiling carbohydrate composition, biohydrogen capacity, and disease resistance in potato. Electr. J. Biotech, 10.2225/vol16-issue6-fulltext-4
Hoffmann C, Plocharski B, Haferkamp I, Leroch M, Ewald R, Bauwe H, Riemer J, Herrmann J, Neuhaus HE (2013) From Endoplasmic Reticulum to mitochondria: Absence of the Arabidopsis ATP antiporter ER-ANT1 perturbs photorespiration. Plant Cell 25, 2647-2660
Haferkamp I, Penz T, Geier M, Ast M, Mushak T, Horn M, Schmitz-Esser S (2013) The endosymbiont Amoebophilus asiaticus encodes an S-adenosylmethionine carrier compensating for its missing methylation cycle. J. Bacteriol. 195, 3183-3192
Chardon F, Bedu M, Calenge F, Klemens PAW, Spinner L, Clement G, Chietera G, Léran S, Ferrand M, Lacombe B, Loudet O, Dinant S, Bellini C, Neuhaus HE, Daniel-Vedele F, Krapp A (2013) Leaf fructose content is controlled by the vacuolar transporter SWEET17 in Arabidopsis. Current Biology 23, 697-702
Trentmann O, Haferkamp I (2013) Current progress in tonoplast proteomics reveals insights into the function of the large central vacuole. Front. Plant Sci., 01 March 2013 | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00034
Gigolashvili T*, Geier M*, Ashykhmina N, Frerigmann F, Wulfert S, Krueger S, Mugford SG, Kopriva S, Haferkamp I, Flügge UI (2012) The Arabidopsis thylakoid ADP/ATP carrier TAAC has a primary role in supplying plastidic phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to the cytosol. Plant Cell 24, 4187-4204 *both authors contributed equally to this paper
Hildenbeutel M, Theis M, Geier M, Haferkamp I, Neuhaus HE, Herrmann JM, Ott M (2012) The membrane insertase Oxa1 is required for efficient import of carrier proteins into mitochondria. J. Mol. Biol. 423, 590-599
Hassler S, Lemke L, Jung B, Möhlmann T, Krüger F, Schumacher Karin, Espen L, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE (2012) Lack of the Golgi phosphate transporter PHT4;6 causes strong developmental defects, constitutively activated disease resistance mechanisms and altered intracellular phosphate compartmentation in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 72, 732-744
Haferkamp I, Linka N (2012) Functional expression and characterisation of membrane transport proteins. Plant Biol. 14, 675-690Gebert M, Schrempp SG, Mehnert CS, Heißwolf AK, Oeljeklaus S, Ieva R, Bohnert M, von der Malsburg K, Wiese S, Kleinschroth T, Hunte C, Meyer HE, Haferkamp I, Guiard B, Warscheid B, Pfanner N, van der Laan M. (2012) Mgr2 promotes coupling of the mitochondrial presequence translocase to partner complexes. J Cell Biol. 197, 595-604
Witz S*, Jung B*, Fürst S, Möhlmann T (2012) De novo pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis mainly locates outside of plastids, but a novel nucleobase importer provides substrates for the essential salvage pathway. Plant Cell 24, 1549-1559 *Both authors contributed equally to this paperHaferkamp I, Schmitz-Esser S (2012) The plant mitochondrial carrier family: functional and evolutionary aspects. Frontiers in Plant Traffic and Transport Front. Plant Sci. 3:2. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2012.00002
Schulze W, Schneider T, Starck S, Martinoia E, Trentmann O (2012) Cold acclimation induces changes in Arabidopsis tonoplast protein abundance and activity and alters phosphorylation of tonoplast monosaccharide transporters. Plant J 69, 529-541
Cornelius S, Traub M, Bernard C, Salzig C, Lang P, Möhlmann T (2012) Nucleoside transport across the plasma membrane mediated by equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3 influences metabolism of Arabidopsis seedlings. Plant Biol. 14, 696-705
Poschet G, Hannich B, Raab S, Jungkunz I, Klemens, PAW, Krueger S, Neuhaus HE, Buettner M (2011) A novel Arabidopsis vacuolar glucose exporter is involved in cellular sugar homeostasis and affects composition of seed storage compounds. Plant Phys. 157, 1664-1676
Wingenter K, Trentmann O, Winschuh I, Hörmiller I, Heyer A, Reinders J, Schulz A, Geiger D, Hedrich R, Neuhaus E (2011) A member of the mitogen-activated protein 3-kinase family is involved in the regulation of plant vacuolar glucose uptake. Plant J. 68, 890–900
Cornelius S, Witz S, Rolletschek H, Möhlmann T (2011) Pyrimidine degradation influences germination seedling growth and production of Arabidopsis seeds. J. Exp. Bot. Bot. 62, 5623–5632
Schulz A, Beyhl D, Marten I, Wormit A, Neuhaus HE, Poschet G, Büttner M, Schneider S, Sauer N, Hedrich H (2011) Proton-driven sucrose symport and antiport is provided by the vacuolar transporters SUC4 and TMT1/2. Plant J. 68, 129-136
Klaumann S, Nickolaus SD, Fürst SH, Starck S, Schneider S, Neuhaus HE, Trentmann O (2011) The tonoplast copper transporter COPt5 acts as an exporter and is required for inter-organ allocation of copper in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist 192, 393–404
Highlighted by the Editor
Bernard C, Traub M, Kunz HH, Hach S, Trentmann O, Möhlmann T (2011) Equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 (ENT1) is critical for pollen germination and vegetative growth in Arabidopsis. J. Exp. Bot. 62, 4627-4637
Haferkamp I, Fernie AR, Neuhaus HE (2011) Adenine-nucleotide transport in plants: much more than a mitochondrial issue. Trends in Plant Sci. 16, 507-515
Rieder B, Neuhaus HE (2011) Identification of an Arabidopsis plasma membrane located ATP transporter important for anther development. Plant Cell 23, 1932-1944
Khatri NK, Gocke D, Trentmann O, Neubauer P, Hoffman F (2011) Single-chain antibody fragment production in Pichia pastoris: Benefits of prolonged pre-induction glycerol feeding. Biotech. J. 6, 452–462
Gasber A, Klaumann S, Trentmann O, Trampczynska A, Clemens S, Schneider S, Sauer N, Feifer I, Bittner F, Mendel R, Neuhaus HE (2011) Identification of an Arabidopsis solute carrier critical for intracellular transport and inter-organ allocation of molybdate. Plant Biol. 13, 710-718
Jung B, Hoffmann C, Möhlmann T (2011) Arabidopsis nucleoside hydrolases involed in intracellular and extracellular degradation of purines. Plant J. 65, 703-711 Knab S, Mushak TM, Schmitz-Esser S, Horn M, Haferkamp I (2011) Nucleotide parasitism by Simkania negevensis (Chlamydiae). J. Bacteriol. 193, 225-235
Muffler K, Leipold D, Scheller MC, Haas C, Steingroewer J, Bley T, Neuhaus HE, Mirata MA, Schrader J, Ulber R (2011) Biotransformation of triterpenes. Process Biochemistry 46, 1–15 2010
Wingenter K, Schulz A, Wormit A, Wic S, Trentmann O, Hoermiller I, Heyer AG, Marten I, Hedrich R, Neuhaus HE (2010) Increased activity of the vacuolar monosaccharide transporter TMT1 alters cellular sugar partitioning, sugar signalling and seed yield in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 154, 665-677
Schmitz G, Reinhold T, Göbel C, Feussner I, Neuhaus HE, Conrath U (2010) Limitation of Nocturnal ATP import into chloroplasts seems to affect hormonal crosstalk, prime defense, and enhance disease resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 23, 1584–1591
Möhlmann T, Bernard C, Hach S, Neuhaus HE (2010) Nucleoside transport and associated metabolism. Plant Biology 12, Supplement 1, 26-32
Leipold D, Wünsch G, Schmidt M, Bart H-J, Bley T, Neuhaus HE, Bergmann H, Richling E, Muffler K, Ulber R (2010) Biosynthesis of ursolic acid derivatives by microbial metabolism of ursolic acid with Nocardia sp. strains—Proposal of new biosynthetic pathways. Process Biochemistry 45, 1043–1051
Jung-Il Cho, Burla, B, Lee D-W, Ryoo N, Hong, S-K, Kim H-B, Eom J-S, Choi S-B, Cho M-H, Bhoo S-H, Hahn T-R, Neuhaus HE, Martinoia E, Jeon, J-S (2010) Expression analysis and functional characterization of the monosaccharide transporters, OsTMTs, involving vacuolar sugar transport in rice (Oryza sativa). New Phytol. 186, 657–668
Palmieri F, Rieder B, Ventrella A, Blanco E, Do PT, Nunes-Nesi A, Trauth U, Fiermonte G, Tjaden J, Agrimi G, Kirchberger S, Paradies E, Fernie AR, Neuhaus, HE (2009) Molecular identification and functional characterisation of Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondrial and chloroplastic NAD+ carrier proteins. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 31249-31259
Supplemental Material
Gross R, Wolf MMN, Schumann C, Friedman N, Sheves M, Li L, Engelhard E, Trentmann O, Neuhaus HE, Diller R (2009) Primary photoinduced protein response in bacteriorhodopsin and sensory rhodopsin II. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131, 14868–14878
Supporting Information
Jung B, Flörchinger M, Kunz H-H, Traub M, Wartenberg R, Jeblick W, Neuhaus HE, Möhlmann T (2009) Uridine-Ribohydrolase (URH) is a key regulator of uridine degradation. Plant Cell 21, 876–891
Highlighted by the Science Editor of Plant Cell
Ast M*, Gruber A*, Schmitz-Esser S, Neuhaus HE, Kroth P, Horn H, Haferkamp I (2009) Diatom plastids depend on nucleotide import from the cytosol. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 3621–3626 *both authors contributed equally to this paper
Herrmann JM, Kauff F, Neuhaus HE (2009) Thiol oxidation in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts: Common principles but three unrelated machineries? Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1793, 71–77
Trentmann O, Jung B, Neuhaus HE, Haferkamp I (2008) Non-mitochondrial ATP/ADP transporters accept phosphate as third substrate. J. Biol. Chem. 283, 36486–36493
Linka N, Theodoulou FL, Haslam RP, Linka M, Napier NA, Neuhaus HE, Weber APM (2008) Peroxisomal ATP import is essential for seedling development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell 20, 3241–3257
Highlighted by the Science Editor of Plant Cell
Deschamps P, Haferkamp I, d’Hulst C, Neuhaus HE, Ball SG (2008) The relocation of starch metabolism to chloroplasts: when, why and how. Trends in Plant Sci. 13, 574-582Kirchberger S, Tjaden J, Neuhaus HE (2008) Characterization of the Arabidopsis Brittle1 transport protein and impact of reduced activity on plant metabolism. Plant J. 56, 51-63
Leroch M*, Neuhaus HE*, Kirchberger S, Zimmermann S, Melzer M, Gerhold H, Tjaden J (2008) Identification of a novel adenine nucleotide transporter in the endoplasmic reticulum of higher plants. Plant Cell 20, 438–451 *both authors contributed equally to this paper
Highlighted by the News & Reviews Editor of Plant Cell
Zhang L, Häusler RE, Greiten C, Hajirezaei M-R, Haferkamp I, Neuhaus HE, Flügge U-I, Ludewig F (2008) Overriding the co-limiting import of carbon and energy into tuber amyloplasts increases the starch content and yield of transgenic potato plants. Plant Biotech. J. 6, 453–464 Schmitz-Esser S, Haferkamp I, Knab S, Penz T, Ast M, Kohl C, Wagner M, Horn M. (2008) Lawsonia intracellularis contains a gene encoding a functional rickettsia-like ATP/ADP translocase for host exploitation. J. Bacteriol. 190, 5746-5752
Williams BAP*, Haferkamp I*, Keeling PJ (2008) An ADP/ATP-specific mitochondrial carrier protein in the Microsporidian Antonospora locustae. J. Mol. Biol. 375, 1249-1257 *both authors contributed equally to this paper
Urbany C, Neuhaus HE (2008) Citrate uptake into Pectobacterium atrosepticum is critical for bacterial virulence. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 21, 547–554
Schmidt UG, Endler A, Schelbert S, Brunner A, Schnell M, Neuhaus HE, Marty-Mazars D, Marty F, Baginsky S, Martinoia E (2007) Novel tonoplast transporters identified using a proteomic approach with vacuoles isolated from cauliflower buds. Plant Physiol. 145, 216-229
Supplemental Figure - Supplemental Legend - Supplemental Table
Trentmann O, Horn M, Terwisscha van Scheltinga, AC, Neuhaus HE, Haferkamp I (2007) Enlightening energy parasitism by analysis of an ATP/ADP transporter from Chlamydiae. PLoS Biol 5(9), e231. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050231Kirchberger S, Leroch M, Huynen MA, Wahl M, Neuhaus HE, Tjaden J (2007) Molecular and biochemical analysis of the plastidic ADP-glucose transporter (ZmBT1) from Zea mays. J. Biol. Chem. 282, 22481-22491
Neuhaus E (2007) Transport of primary metabolites across the plant vacuolar membrane. FEBS-Lett. 581, 2223–2226 Haferkamp I (2007) The diverse members of the mitochondrial carrier family in plants. FEBS-Lett. 581, 2375–2379
Hackstein JH, Tjaden J, Koopman WJH, Huynen M (2007) Hydrogenosomes (and related organelles, either) are not the same. In Origin of Mitochondria and Hydrogenosomes, W.Martin and M.Müller, eds (Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag), pp. 135-159
Reinhold T, Alawady A, Grimm B, Beran K, Jahns P, Conrath U, Bauer J, Reiser J, Melzer M, Jeblick W, Neuhaus HE (2007) Limitation of nocturnal import of ATP into Arabidopsis chloroplasts leads to photooxidative damage. Plant Journal 50, 293–304 Martinoia E, Maeshima M, Neuhaus HE (2007) Vacuolar transporters and their essential role in plant metabolism. J. Exp. Bot. 58, 83–102
Traub M, Flörchinger M, Piecuch J, Kunz H-H, Weise-Steinmetz A, Deitmer JW, Neuhaus HE, Möhlmann T (2007) The fur1 (fluorouridine insensitive 1) mutant is defective in equilibrative nucleoside transporter 3 (ENT3), thus representing an important pyrimidine nucleoside uptake system in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal 49, 855–864
Wormit A, Trentmann O, Feifer I, Lohr C, Tjaden J, Meyer S, Schmidt U, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE (2006) Molecular identification and physiological characterization of a novel monosaccharide transporter from Arabidopsis involved in vacuolar sugar transport. Plant Cell 18, 3476-90
Highlighted by the News & Reviews Editor of Plant Cell
Haferkamp I, Schmitz-Esser S, Wagner M, Neigel N, Horn M, Neuhaus HE (2006) Tapping the nucleotide pool of the host: novel nucleotide carrier proteins of Protochlamydia amoebophila. Mol. Microbiol. 60, 1534-1545
Haferkamp I, Deschamps P, Ast M, Jeblick W, Maier U, Ball S, Neuhaus HE (2006) Molecular and biochemical analysis of periplastidial starch metabolism in the cryptophyte Guillardia theta. Eukaryotic Cell 5, 964-971
Deschamps P, Haferkamp I, Dauvillée D, Haebel S, Steup M, Búléon A, Putaux J-L, Colleoni C, D'Hulst C, Plancke C, Gould S, Maier U, Neuhaus HE, Ball S (2006) The nature of the periplastidal pathway of starch synthesis in the cryptophyte Guillardia theta. Eukaryotic Cell 5, 954-963
Flörchinger M, Zimmermann M, Traub M, Neuhaus HE, Möhlmann T (2006) Adenosine stimulates anabolic metabolism in developing castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) cotyledons. Planta 223, 340-348
Colasante C, Alibu VP, Kirchberger S, Tjaden J, Clayton C, Voncken F (2006) Characterization and developmentally regulated localization of the mitochondrial carrier protein homologue MCP6 from Trypanosoma brucei. Eukaryotic Cell 5, 1194-1205
Hackstein JH, Tjaden J, Huynen M (2006) Mitochondria, hydrogenosomes and mitosomes: products of evolutionary tinkering! Curr. Genet. 50, 225-245 2005 Leroch M, Kirchberger S, Haferkamp I, Wahl M, Neuhaus HE, Tjaden J (2005) Identification and characterization of a novel plastidic adenine nucleotide uniporter from Solanum tuberosum. J. Biol. Chem. 280, 17992-18000
Holtum JAM, Smith JAC, Neuhaus HE (2005) Intracellular transport and pathways of carbon flow in plants with crassulacean acid metabolism. Funct. Plant Biol. 32, 429-449 Neuhaus HE, Häusler R, Sonnewald U (2005) No need to shift the paradigm on the metabolic pathway to transitory starch in leaves. Trends Plant Sci. 10, 154-156
Hurth MA, Suh SJ, Kretzschmar T, Geis T, Bregante M, Gambale F, Martinoia E, Neuhaus HE (2005) Impaired pH homeostasis in Arabidopsis, lacking the vacuolar dicarboxylate transporter and analysis of carboxylic acid transport across the tonoplast. Plant Physiol. 137, 901-910
Haferkamp I, Schmitz-Esser S, Linka N, Urbany C, Collingro A, Wagner M, Neuhaus HE (2004) A candidate NAD+ transporter in an intracellular bacterial symbiont related to Chlamydiae. Nature 432, 622-625 - Supplementary informationTrentmann O, Khatri NK, Hoffmann F (2004) Reduced oxygen supply increases process stability and product yield with recombinant Pichia pastoris. Biotechnol. Process 20, 1766-1775
Reiser J, Linka N, Lemke L, Jeblick W, Neuhaus HE (2004) Molecular physiological analysis of the two plastidic ATP/ADP transporters from Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol. 136, 3524-3536
Clausen C, Ilkavets I, Thomson R, Philippar K, Vojta A, Möhlmann T, Neuhaus HE, Fulgosi, H, Soll J (2004) Intracellular localization of VDAC proteins in plants. Planta 220, 30-37
Wormit A, Traub M, Flörchinger M, Neuhaus HE, Möhlmann T (2004) Characterization of three novel members of the Arabidopsis thaliana equilibrative-nucleoside transporter (ENT) family. Biochem. J. 383, 19-26
Vigeolas H, Möhlmann T, Martini N, Neuhaus HE, Geigenberger P (2004) Embryo-specific reduction of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase leads to an inhibition of starch synthesis and a delay in oil accumulation in developing seeds of Brassica napus L.. Plant Physiol., 136, 2676-2686
Daugherty RM, Linka N, Audia JP, Urbany C, Neuhaus HE, Winkler HH (2004) The nucleotide transporter of Caedibacter caryophilus exhibits an extended substrate spectrum compared to the analogous ATP/ADP translocase of Rickettsia prowazekii. J. Bacteriol. 186, 3262-3265
Klaus D, Ohlrogge JB, Neuhaus HE, Dörmann P (2004) Increased fatty acid production in potato by engineering of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Planta 219: 389-396
Schmitz-Esser S, Linka N, Collingro A, Beier CL, Neuhaus HE, Wagner M, Horn M (2004) ATP/ADP translocases: a common feature of obligate intracellular amoebal symbionts related to Chlamydiae and Rickettsiae. J. Bacteriol. 186, 683-691
Tjaden J., Haferkamp I., Boxma B., Tielens A.G.M., Huynen M., Hackstein J.H.P. (2004) A divergent ADP/ATP carrier in the hydrogenosomes of Trichomonas gallinae argues for independent origin of these organelles. Mol. Microbiol. 51, 1439-1446
Emmerlich V, Linka N, Reinhold T, Hurth MA, Traub M, Martionoia E, Neuhaus HE (2003) The plant homolog to the human sodium/dicarboxylic cotransporter is the vacuolar malate carrier. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, 11122-11126
Conrath U, Linke C, Jeblick W, Geigenberger P, Quick WP, Neuhaus HE (2003) Enhanced resistance to Phythophthora infestans and Alternaria solani in leaves and tubers, respectively, of potato plants with decreased activity of the plastidic ATP/ADP transporter. Planta 19, 75-83
Schwöppe C, Winkler HH, Neuhaus HE (2003) Connection of transport and sensing by UhpC, the sensor for external glucose-6-phosphate in Escherichia coli. Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 1450-1457
Linka N, Hurka H, Lang BF, Burger G, Winkler HH, Stamme C, Urbany C, Seil I, Kusch J, Neuhaus HE (2003) Phylogenetic relationship of non-mitochondrial nucleotide transport proteins in bacteria and eukaryotes. Gene 306, 27-35
Voncken F, Boxma B, Tjaden J, Akhmanova A, Huynen M, Verbek F, Tielens AGM, Haferkamp I, Neuhaus HE, Vogels G, Veenhuis M, Hackstein JHP (2002) Multiple origins of hydrogenosomes: functional and phylogenetic evidence from the ADP/ATP carrier of the anaerobic chytrid Neocallimastix sp. Mol. Microbiol. 44, 1441-1454
Schwöppe C, Winkler HH, Neuhaus HE (2002) Properties of the glucose 6-phosphate transporter from Chlamydia pneumoniae (HPTcp) and the glucose 6-phosphate sensor from Escherichia coli (UhpC). J. Bacteriol. 184, 2108-2115
Linke C, Conrath U, Jeblick W, Betsche T, Mahn A, Düring K, Neuhaus HE (2002) Inhibition of the plastidic ATP/ADP-transporter protein primes potato tubers for augmented elicitation of defense responses and enhances their resistance against Erwinia carotovora. Plant Physiol. 129, 1607-1615
Haferkamp I, Hackstein JHP, Voncken F, Schmit G, Tjaden J (2002) Functional integration of mitochondrial and hydrogenosomal ADP/ATP carriers in the Escherichia coli membrane reveals different biochemical characteristics for plants, mammals and anaerobic chytrids. Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 3172-3181
Möhlmann T, Mezher Z, Schwerdtfeger G, Neuhaus HE (2001) Characterization of a concentrative type of adenosine transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana (ENT1,At). FEBS Lett. 509, 370-374
Geigenberger P, Stamme C, Tjaden J, Schulze A, Quick WP, Betsche T, Kersting HJ, Neuhaus HE (2001) Tuber physiology and properties of starch from tubers of transgenic potato plants with altered plastidic adenylate transporter activity. Plant Physiol. 125, 1667-1678 2000 Neuhaus HE, Emes MJ (2000) Nonphotosynthetic metabolism in plastids. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 51, 111-140
Neuhaus HE, Wagner R (2000) Solute pores, ion channels, and metabolite transporters in the outer and inner envelope membranes of higher plant plastids. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1465, 307-323
Trentmann O, Decker C, Winkler HH, Neuhaus HE (2000) Charged amino-acid residues in transmembrane domains of the plastidic ATP/ADP transporter from Arabidopsis are important for transport efficiency, substrate specificity, and counter exchange properties. Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 4098-4105
before 2000
Winkler HH, Neuhaus HE (1999) Non-mitochondrial atp transport. Trends in Plant Science 24, 64-68 Möhlmann T., Tjaden J. & Neuhaus H.E. (1999) Starch synthesis in plant storage tissues: precurser dependency and function of the plastidic ATP/ADP-transporter. Review In: Plant Carbohydrate Biochemistry. Bryant, J.A., Burrell, M.M. & Kruger, N.J. eds., pp. 255-267, BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford, UK.
Tjaden J, van der Laan M, Schwöppe C, Möhlmann T, Winkler HH, Neuhaus HE (1999) Two nucleotide transport proteins in Chlamydia trachomatis, one for net nucleoside triphosphate uptake and the other for the transport of energy. J. Bacteriol 181, 1196-1202
Möhlmann T, Tjaden J, Schwöppe C, Winkler HH, Kampfenkel K, Neuhaus HE (1998) Occurrence of two plastidic ATP/ADP transporters in Arabidopsis thaliana L. Molecular characterisation and comparative structural analysis of similar ATP/ADP translocators from plastids and Rickettsia prowazekii. Eur. J. Biochem. 252, 353-359
Thom E, Möhlmann T, Quick WP, Camara B, Neuhaus HE (1998) Sweet pepper plastids: enzymic equipment, characterisation of the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, and transport of phosphorylated intermediates across the envelope membrane. Planta 204, 226-233
Tjaden J, Schwöppe C, Möhlmann T, Neuhaus HE (1998) Expression of the plastidic ATP/ADP transporter gene in Escherichia coli leads to a funtional adenine nucleotide transport system in the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 9630-9636
Tjaden J, Möhlmann T, Kampfenkel K, Henrichs G, Neuhaus HE (1998) Altered plastidic ATP/ADP-transporter activity influences potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber morphology, yield and composition of tuber starch. Plant J. 16, 531-540
Emes MJ, Neuhaus HE (1997) Metabolism and transport in non-photosynthetic plastids. J. Exp. Bot. 48, 1995-2005 Neuhaus HE, Thom E, Möhlmann T, Steup M, Kampfenkel K (1997) Characterization of a novel eukaryotic ATP/ADP translocator located in the plastid envelope of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Plant J. 11, 73-82
Quick WP, Neuhaus HE (1997) The regulation and control of photosynthetic carbon assimilation. In CH Foyer, ed A Molecular Approach to Primary Metabolism in Plants. Taylor & Francis, London, UK, pp 41-61
Möhlmann T, Tjaden J, Henrichs G, Quick WP, Häusler R, Neuhaus HE (1997) ADP-glucose drives starch synthesis in isolated maize endosperm amyloplasts: Characterisation of starch synthesis and transport properties across the amyloplastic envelope. Biochem. J. 324, 503-509 Möhlmann T, Neuhaus HE (1997) Precursor and effector dependency of lipid synthesis in amyloplasts isolated from developing maize and wheat endosperm. J. Cereal Sci. 26, 161-167
Quick WP, Neuhaus HE (1996) Evidende for two types of phosphate translocators in sweet-pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) fruit chromoplasts. Biochem. J. 320, 7-10
Neuhaus HE, Schulte N (1996) Starch degradation in chloroplasts isolated from C3 or CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism)-induced Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. Biochem. J. 318, 945-953 Neuhaus HE, Maaß U (1996) Unidirectional transport of orthophosphate across the envelope of isolated cauliflower-bud amyloplasts. Planta 198, 542-548
Batz O, Scheibe R, Neuhaus HE (1995) Purification of chloroplasts from fruits of green-pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and characterization of starch synthesis. Evidence for a functional chloroplastic hexose-phosphate translocator. Planta 196, 50-57
Quick WP, Scheibe R, Neuhaus HE (1995) Induction of hexose-phosphate translocator activity in spinach chloroplasts. Plant Physiol. 109, 113-121 Thom E, Neuhaus HE (1995) Oxidation of imported or endogenous carbohydrates by isolated chloroplasts from green pepper fruits. Plant Physiol. 109, 1421-1426
Neuhaus HE, Henrichs G, Scheibe R (1995) Starch degradation in intact amyloplasts from cauliflower buds (Brassica oleracea L.). Planta 195, 496-504
Möhlmann T, Batz O, Maaß U, Neuhaus HE (1995) Analysis of carbohydrate transport across the envelope of isolated cauliflower-bud amyloplasts. Biochem. J. 307, 521-526
Kampfenkel K, Möhlmann T, Batz O, van Montagu M, Inzé D, Neuhaus HE (1995) Molecular characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA encoding a novel putative adenylate translocator of higher plants. FEBS Lett. 374, 351-355
Möhlmann T, Scheibe R, Neuhaus HE (1994) Interaction between fatty-acid and starch synthesis in isolated amyloplasts from cauliflower floral buds. Planta 194, 492-497
Batz O, Maaß U, Henrichs G, Scheibe R, Neuhaus HE (1994) Glucose- and ADPGlc-dependent starch synthesis in isolated cauliflower-bud amyloplasts. Analysis of the interaction of various potential precursors. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1200, 148-154
Kang X, Neuhaus HE, Scheibe R (1994) Subcellular localization of quinate: oxidoreductase from Phaseolus mungo L. sprouts. Z. Naturforsch. 49c, 415-420
Neuhaus HE, Henrichs G, Scheibe R (1993) Characterization of glucose-6-phosphate incorporation into starch by isolated intact cauliflower-bud plastids. Plant Physiol. 101, 573-578
Batz O, Scheibe R, Neuhaus HE (1993) Identification of the putative hexose-phosphate translocator of amyloplasts from cauliflower buds. Biochem. J. 294, 15-17
Neuhaus HE, Batz O, Thom E, Scheibe R (1993) Purification of highly intact plastids from various heterotrophic plant tissues: analysis of enzymic equipment and precursor dependency for starch biosynthesis. Biochem. J. 296, 395-401
Batz O, Scheibe R, Neuhaus HE (1992) Transport processes and corresponding changes in metabolite levels in relation to starch synthesis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) etioplasts. Plant Physiol. 100, 184-190
Neuhaus HE, Stitt M (1991) Inhibition of photosynthetic sucrose synthesis by imidodiphosphate, an analog of inorganic pyrophosphate. Plant Sci. 76, 49-55 Neuhaus HE, Stitt M (1990) Control analysis of photosynthate partitioning. Impact of reduced activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase or plastid phosphoglucomutase on the fluxes to starch and sucrose in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Henyh. Planta 182, 445-454
Schulze W, Stitt M, Schulze ED, Neuhaus HE, Fichtner K (1990) A quantification of the significance of assimilatory starch for growth of Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh. Plant Physiol. 95, 890-895 Neuhaus HE, Krause K-P, Stitt M (1990) Comparison of pyrophosphate turnover and the maximum catalytic activity of pyrophosphate: fructose-6-phosphate phosphotransferase in leaves. Phytochem. 29, 3411-3415
Smith AM, Neuhaus HE, Stitt M (1990) The impact of decreased activity of starch-branching enzyme on photosynthetic starch synthesis in leaves of wrinkled-seeded peas. Planta 181, 310-315
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Neuhaus HE, Kruckeberg AL, Feil R, Stitt M (1989) Reduced activity mutants of phosphoglucose isomerase in the cytosol and chloroplast of Clarkia xantiana. I. Planta 178, 110-122
Quick WP, Siegl G, Neuhaus HE, Feil R, Stitt M (1989) Short-term water stress leads to a stimulation of sucrose synthesis by activating sucrose-phosphate synthase. Planta 177, 535-546
Quick WP, Neuhaus HE, Feil R, Stitt M (1989) Fluoride leads to an increase of inorganic pyrophosphate and an inhibition of photosynthetic sucrose synthesis in spinach leaves. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 973, 263-271
Kruckeberg AL, Neuhaus HE, Feil R, Gottlieb LD, Stitt M (1989) Decreased-activity mutants of phosphoglucose isomerase in the cytosol and chloroplasts of Clarkia xantiana. Biochem. J. 261, 457-467
Neuhaus HE, Stitt M (1989) Perturbation of photosynthesis in spinach leaf discs by low concentrations of methyl viologen. Planta 179, 51-60