29. April 2016 Latest publication accepted: "Microbial eukaryote plankton communities of high-mountain lakes from three continents exhibit strong biogeographic patterns" by Sabine Filker, Ruben… Weiterlesen
28. April 2016 New article online available There is a new article about our research online available. It can be found in the online magazine of the University of Kaiserslautern - UNISPECTRUM… Weiterlesen
21. April 2016 New lecture scripts 2016 available Please find the new lecture scripts 2016 for Evolution and Ecology in the download section: https://www.bio.uni-kl.de/ecology/teaching/downloads/ Weiterlesen
15. April 2016 Comparison of three clustering approaches recently published Check out our departments latest publication. The article "Comparison of three clustering approaches for detecting novel environmental microbial… Weiterlesen
12. April 2016 PhD student Steffen Kühner wins the price for the best Master thesis The price for the best Master thesis in 2015 by the Kreissparkassenstiftung was won by our PhD student Steffen Kühner. The outstanding Master thesis… Weiterlesen