16. Juni 2016 Now you can call our former PhD student Dominik "Dr. Forster" Congratulations: Our former PhD student Dominik Forster achieved his PhD on Monday, June 13th, 2016. Weiterlesen
15. Juni 2016 No Ecology lecture this week Tomorrow, June 16th, there will be no Ecology class in 46-280 at 10.30 am due to illness. See you next week. Weiterlesen
13. Juni 2016 No Evolution lecture this week Tomorrow, June 14th, there will be no Evolution class in 13-305 at 9am due to illness. See you next week. Weiterlesen
01. Juni 2016 Advanced Practical Marine Intertidal Ecology in Roscoff The Advanced Practical Marine Intertidal Ecology takes place in Roscoff, Bretagne, Station Biologique from June 1st-10th, 2016. Supervisors: Prof. Büd… Weiterlesen
11. Mai 2016 Another succcess for our PhD student Steffen Kühner He wins the price of the Gesellschaft für Biochemie and Molekularbiologie (GBM) for the best Master thesis, financially supported with 150 EUR. The… Weiterlesen