23. April 2013 No ecology lecture on Thursday April 25 No ecology lecture on Thursday April 25, 2013. Next lesson will be held on May 2, 2013 Weiterlesen
16. April 2013 Seminar starts Seminar starts: Room 14-170, Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 5pm. Title: "Molecular methods in microbial ecology", instructors are Frédéric Mahé and Domin… Weiterlesen
15. April 2013 Ecology lecture starts Ecology lecture starts: Room 46-280, Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 10.45am the first lesson of the ecology lecture is given by Alexandra Stock. Further… Weiterlesen
18. März 2013 New PhD student M. Sc. student Lea Weinisch starts her PhD thesis in the ecology group in the AG Stoeck Weiterlesen
02. März 2013 Annual meeting of the German Society of Protistology Fourteen delegates of the ecology department joined the annual meeting of the German Society of Protistology in Kartause Ittingen near Zurich,… Weiterlesen