Dr. Jan Hirtz
AG Tierphysiologie
TU Kaiserslautern
Erwin-Schrödinger-Straße 13, Room 574
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel.: +49 (0)631-205-4669
Email: hirtz[at]bio.uni-kl.de
Profile: Google Scholar
Curriculum Vitae:
since 2024: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Animal Physiology Group Prof. Volker Scheuss, RPTU
2022-2024: Interim representation of the Animal Physiology Group, University of Kaiserslautern
2017-2024: Junior Professor, Physiology of Neuronal Networks, University of Kaiserslautern
2016-2017: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Animal Physiology Group Prof. Eckhard Friauf, University of Kaiserslautern
2012-2016: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Laboratory Prof. Rafael Yuste, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
2008-2012: Doctoral studies and Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Animal Physiology Group Prof. Eckhard Friauf, University of Kaiserslautern
2003-2008: Study of Biology (Diploma), University of Kaiserslautern
Major Research Interests:
Our lab is interested in functional principles of neuronal circuits. We employ modern optical methods, including two-photon microscopy, allowing for activity imaging with high penetration depth and single cell resolution in living tissue. The main focus of our work is studying neuronal ensembles in the mouse auditory neocortex. Of particular interest are the effects of developmental aberrances in the auditory brainstem on the computation of the auditory cortex. We are also involved in the development of new analysis tools to decipher patterns in the complex data sets obtained by activity imaging. research pages
Selected Publications:
Research articles:
Wadle SL, Ritter TC, Wadle TTX, and Hirtz JJ (2024) Topography and Ensemble Activity in the Auditory Cortex of a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome. ENEURO. 0396-23.2024
Weingarten DJ, Sebastian E, Winkelhoff J, Patschull-Keiner N, Fischer AU, Wadle SL, Friauf E and Hirtz JJ (2023) An inhibitory glycinergic projection from the cochlear nucleus to the lateral superior olive. Front. Neural Circuits 17:1307283.
Tatjana TTX, Andrea KMA, Wadle SL, Hirtz JJ (2023) Distinct topographic organization and network activity patterns of corticocollicular neurons within layer 5 auditory cortex. Front Neural Circuits. 17:1210057.
Fauser M, Zhang P, Wadle S, Hirtz J (2023) Improved Action Potential Detection for Imaging Techniques by exploiting Fuzzy C-Means Clustering. American Control Conference (ACC).
Hafez OA, Escribano B, Ziegler RL, Hirtz JJ, Niebur E, Pielage J (2023) The cellular architecture of memory modules in Drosophila supports stochastic input integration. eLife. 12:e77578.
Wadle SL, Schmitt TTX, Engel J, Kurt S, Hirtz JJ (2022) Altered population activity and local tuning heterogeneity in auditory cortex of Cacna2d3-deficient mice. Biol Chem. 404:607-617
Müller NIC, Sonntag M, Maraslioglu A, Hirtz JJ, Friauf E (2019) Topographic map refinement and synaptic strengthening of a sound localization circuit require spontaneous peripheral activity. J Physiol. 597:5469-5493
Eitelmann S, Hirtz JJ, Stephan J (2019) A Vector-Based Method to Analyze the Topography of Glial Networks. Int J Mol Sci. 20:281.
de Boer WDAM, Hirtz JJ,Capretti A, Gregorkiewicz T, Izquierdo-Serra M, Han S, Dupre C, Shymkiv Y, Yuste R (2018) Neuronal photoactivation through second-harmonic nearinfrared absorption by gold nanoparticles, Light-Sci. Appl. 7:100.
Izquierdo-Serra M, Hirtz JJ, Shababo B, Yuste R (2018) Two-photon Optogenetic Mapping of Excitatory Synaptic Connectivity and Strength. iScience 8: 15-28.
Jayant K, Hirtz JJ, Plante IJ, Tsai DM, De Boer WDAM, Semonche A, Peterka DS, Owen JS, Sahin O, Shepard KL, Yuste R (2017) Targeted intracellular voltage recordings from dendritic spines using quantum-dot coated nano-pipettes. Nat Nanotechnol. 12: 335-342.
Izquierdo-Serra M, Gascón-Moya M, Hirtz JJ, Pittolo S, Poskanzer KE, Ferrer È, Alibés R, Busqué F, Yuste R, Hernando J, Gorostiza P (2014) Two-photon neuronal and astrocytic stimulation with azobenzene-based photoswitches. J Am Chem Soc. 136: 8693-701
Packer AM, Peterka DS, Hirtz JJ, Prakash R, Deisseroth K, Yuste R (2012) Two-photon optogenetics of dendritic spines and neural circuits. Nat Methods 9: 1202-5
Hirtz JJ, Braun N, Griesemer D, Hannes C, Janz K, Löhrke S, Müller B, Friauf E (2012) Synaptic refinement of an inhibitory topographic map in the auditory brainstem requires functional CaV1.3 calcium channels. J Neurosci 32: 14602-16
Hirtz JJ, Boesen M, Braun N, Deitmer JW, Kramer F, Lohr C, Müller B, Nothwang HG, Striessnig J, Löhrke S, Friauf E (2011) CaV1.3 calcium channels are required for normal development of the auditory brainstem. J Neurosci 31: 8280-94
Review Articles:
Friauf E, Rust MB, Schulenborg T, Hirtz JJ (2011) Development of chloride homeostasis, chloride cotransporters, and synaptic inhibition in the auditory system. Hear Res. 279: 96-110